Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Change Your Breakfast, Change Your Life: The Ultimate Smoothie Bowls

I'm very excited to share with you guys something that's changed my mornings! As some of you know, I was never a big fan of breakfast. I love the idea in theory, but I'm usually rushing around in the mornings, or start my days with a yoga practice, so I'm cruising on an empty stomach until almost lunch time. Then, one day, about a year ago, my body needed more. I started to crave a steady morning ritual, so I began with a cup of hot water, lemon and honey, then moved onto chia seed pudding, homemade green juice, then green smoothies, and gradually became drawn to creating these elaborate, colorful, beautiful SMOOTHIE BOWLS! When I'm traveling in Mexico or Hawaii, these bowls are everywhere. It's such a perfect way to get in all your nutritional needs, start your day with loads of delicious superfoods, and feel full on the go. 

Here at home in San Diego, I realized I've been spending $8 - $12 a day on satisfying my cravings for acai, pitaya, and green smoothie bowls every day, so I decided to give it a try in my very own kitchen. The result = so easy and fun! 

The key is to remember it's not the same consistency as a typical smoothie, it's a lot thicker, more like an ice cream. Use very little, if any, liquids and if it comes out too watery at first, just throw in more frozen fruit or stick it in the freezer for a few minutes to harden up. 

Acai is the typical smoothie bowl you'll see around, which is a dark purple/reddish berry color. Pitaya is more my style -- that's the bright pink dragon fruit with less sugar than Acai. Lastly, the best invention ever -- GREEN smoothie bowls, which is a base of either acai/pitaya or just straight up frozen bananas, then you mix in a scoop of either moringa or spirulina and you have an instant energy-boosting, perfect protein packed bowl of deliciousness, straight from the Earth. 

Here's my go-to recipe for a classic Pitaya bowl: 
  • two handfuls of frozen bananas 
  • one packet of Pitaya Plus 
  • one scoop of almond butter 
  • blend these three ingrediants together until it becomes ice-cream texture
  • pour into bowl 
  • top with whateva! my favorite toppings are: granola, fresh pineapple bits, sprinkle local bee pollen, and drizzle honey overtop (to help with these crazy spring allergy attacks)
Number One rule of thumb when making Smoothie Bowls: DON'T GET INTIMIDATED! These photos I chose are beautiful and inspiring, but many times my bowls come out looking crazy with half of the toppings sinking to the bottom. So don't even worrry about that. Eventually you will find your rhythm, but just have fun with it! And make sure to cut up and freeze your bananas the night before so you're all set in the morning. A cupcake tray is the best thing to freeze banana slices in so they don't stick to each other and you'll have them perfectly portioned out. HAVE FUN! 

Do you have an amazing smoothie bowl recipe? If so, share it here! 

source >  plant fueled
source >  me! made this in my kitchen :)
source >  life of goodness
source >  ultima replenisher
source >  shape magazine

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